3rd-year trauma resident Dr. Astrid Mendoza, has been interested in the treatment of clubfoot since we first met her 3 years ago- even longer than that. She has sought out opportunities to learn from experts within Guatemala. In September she asked if OSSA could assist in the set up of an educational program for the trauma residents to include training models and the build-out of a small treatment room. Dr. Zambrano, a member of the Guatemala Ponseti International Association, and an expert in Ponseti treatment in Guatemala City has started classes and workshops to train the San Marcos trauma residents on this life-changing Ponseti technique.
Clubfoot is one of the more common foot deformities. Babies are born with one or both feet turned inward sometimes so severely the bottom of the foot is turned upward. Left untreated the ability to walk, participate in activities, and loss of future income can be devastating. Fortunately, the Ponseti Treatment Method can repair this birth defect. The treatment requires several weekly plaster cast applications followed by the child wearing a brace for several years. First wearing the brace all the time then only at night while sleeping. The doctors will learn the correct Ponseti treatment method but the biggest challenge to a child’s foot correction will be the partnership we must forge with the parents/caregivers. This treatment will require time and sacrifice for people who often travel a great distance and have little extra to spend on braces. We will keep you informed on ideas we have to support the families who use this excellent new clinic! Read more about Clubfoot, the worldwide efforts to treat it and the World Health Goals of eliminating by 2030 here. https://www.clubfootsolutions.org/
Dra. Mendoza Dr Zambrano & Dr Mendoza’s workshop at University Mariano Galves Practice on a real volunteer-thank you!! 3rd workshop at University November 2018 Residents practice cast correction positions with models
This month these 3 amigos have started the bracing part of the treatment !
Dr Mendoza has already started treating 3-4 children each month with this life changing treatment. Thank you for your great idea and efforts!
good luck little guys we will see you over the next few years It’s going to get easier!